Upcoming Show!

Traverse Theatre

28th June, 8pm

Sekoya is an interdisciplinary trio combining their Scots intonation of Europe’s version of the international language of Jazz with articulate rhythms and soulful grooves to create a genre-defying musical entanglement uniquely their own. Vibrant Celtic-inspired piano melodies are interwoven with flowing bass lines over a foundation of propulsive drums creating an almost cinematic sound. The amalgam of these three instrumentalists is a singular sonic spirit, with a focus on energy and interplay.
— David Hagen Media
Sekoya in Memphis at Court Square Recordings. Photograph by David Hagen.
Sekoya. Luke Cunningham, Simon Toner, Gavin Lamont.
Sekoya - Luke Cunningham. Court Square Recordings Studio
Sekoya - Simon Toner, Gavin Lamont, Luke Cunningham
Sekoya - Luke Cunningham, Court Square Recordings Studio
Sekoya - Simon Toner, Gavin Lamont, Luke Cunningham. Court Square Recordings Studio
Sekoya - Gavin Lamont
Sekoya - Simon Toner
Sekoya - Simon Toner, Gavin Lamont, Luke Cunningham
Sekoya - Luke Cunningham, Court Square Recordings Studio